Meaning of section 7 (3) of 1999 constitution

Meaning of section 7 (3) of 1999 constitution

What is the Meaning of section 7 subsection three of Nigeria 1999 constitution. In this article I will like to explain the Meaning of section 7 (3) of 1999 constitution

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The section 7 subsection 3 of Nigeria 1999 constitution power of local government stated that

It shall be the duty of a local government council within the State to participate in economic planning and development of the area referred to in subsection (2) of this section and to this end an economic planning board shall be established by a Law enacted by the House of Assembly of the State


This legal text is stating that:

It is the responsibility of the local government council in a State to:

1 Participate in economic planning and development

2 Focus on the specific area under their jurisdiction (mentioned in subsection 2)

To achieve this, a law enacted by the State’s House of Assembly must establish an economic planning board

Local government councils have a duty to contribute to the economic growth and development of their area

They must work with the State government to create a plan for economic development

A special board, created by the State legislature, will oversee this economic planning process

This provision aims to ensure that local governments play an active role in promoting economic growth and development in their areas, in collaboration with the State government.

This clause is outlining the role and responsibilities of a local government council within the state when it comes to economic planning and development. Specifically, it states that:

1. It is the duty of the local government council to participate in the economic planning and development of the geographic area under its jurisdiction (as defined in the earlier subsection).

2. To facilitate this, the state’s legislative body (House of Assembly) must enact a law to establish an economic planning board for the local government.

In essence, this clause is:

1. Mandating that local government councils have an active role and responsibility in the economic planning and development of their local areas.

2. Requiring the state government to create a dedicated economic planning board at the local government level through legislation.

The intent seems to be to ensure local government councils are empowered and obligated to be involved in shaping the economic future and growth of their communities. The economic planning board is meant to be the mechanism through which they can fulfill this duty. This suggests an effort to decentralize and localize economic development planning, rather than having it solely driven at the state or national level. The local councils are meant to be active participants in charting the economic path for their jurisdictions.


Here is the breakdown of this section:

Local government councils’ responsibility: The law says that it’s the duty of local government councils to be involved in economic planning and development for their area. This means they should play a role in making decisions about how to improve the economy and create jobs in their communities.


Economic planning board: To help with this task, the law requires each state to establish an economic planning board by passing a law. This board would likely be responsible for things like:

Conducting research on economic trends

Developing economic development strategies

Advising local government councils on economic planning

Overall, this law is designed to encourage local government councils to take an active role in strengthening their economies

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