What is the Meaning of section 8 subsection six of Nigeria 1999 constitution. In this article I will like to explain the Meaning of section 8 (6) of 1999 constitution
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The section 8 subsection 6 of Nigeria 1999 constitution stated that
For the purpose of enabling the National Assembly to exercise the powers conferred upon it by subsection (5) of this section, each House of Assembly shall, after the creation of more local government areas pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, make adequate returns to each House of the National Assembly
Sharing Information with the National Assembly
After a State creates new local government areas, the State’s House of Assembly must:
Send detailed reports (called “returns”) to both Houses of the National Assembly
These reports should include all necessary information about the new local government areas
This is necessary so that the National Assembly can:
Exercise its powers to review and approve the changes
Update the national records and Constitution accordingly
When a State creates new local government areas, it must inform the National Assembly by sending detailed reports This helps the National Assembly to:
Review the changes
Update national records
Ensure the Constitution remains accurate
When new local government areas are created, the National Assembly needs information to make decisions about them So, this law says that each state’s House of Assembly must send the National Assembly details about these new local government areas
In subsection (5): This part of the law gives the National Assembly the power to do certain things related to local government areas
In Subsection (3): This part talks about creating new local government areas
Adequate returns: This means providing necessary information or reports
So, basically:
After a state creates new local government areas, it must officially tell the National Assembly about them, providing information like names, locations, and other important details This helps the National Assembly do its job effectively
1) After a state House of Assembly creates new local government areas under subsection (3), each state House of Assembly shall make “adequate returns” to each House of the National Assembly
2) The purpose of these “adequate returns” is to enable the National Assembly to properly exercise the powers conferred upon it under subsection (5)
The intent behind this seems to be:
To ensure the federal government has full visibility and data on the changes being made at the state level regarding local government boundaries and structures
To empower the National Assembly to effectively oversee and potentially take action on the local government changes made by the states, per the powers granted in subsection (5)
To facilitate coordination and alignment between the federal and state governments on local government administration and organization
To create transparency and accountability around the process of creating new local government areas at the state level
So in summary, this provision requires the state Houses of Assembly to furnish comprehensive information to the federal National Assembly after establishing new local government areas, in order to enable the National Assembly to exercise its constitutional powers in this area