In this post I Will like to explain who are the Ministry of Petroleum Resources in Nigeria
What are the duties of Federal ministry of Petroleum resources in Nigeria and their functions
Federal ministry of Petroleum resources
Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources (FMPR) is a part of the Federal Ministries of Nigeria that directs petroleum resources and its activities in Nigeria.
History of federal ministry of petroleum resources (fmrp)
In the beginning, Petroleum matters were handled by the Hydrocarbon Section of the Ministry of Affairs in Lagos which reported directly to the Governor general.
Petroleum resources Unit delivered responsibilities such as: keeping records on exploration matters,importation of petroleum products, enforcing safety and other regulations on matters which were then mostly products importation and distribution, etc.
Petroleum resources Unit was upgraded to a Petroleum Division within the Ministry of Mines and Power, with the expansion of the petroleum industry activities.
In 1971,Nigerian National Oil Corporation (NNOC) was created to handle direct commercial operational activities in the oil industry on behalf of the Nigeria Federal Government.However, the Department of Petroleum Resources in the Federal Ministry of Mines and Power continued to exercise statutory supervision and control of the industry. In 1975, the department was upgraded to a ministry named (Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) which was later renamed the Ministry of Petroleum Resources. Ministry of Petroleum Resources was re-established 1985
Organizational structure of ministry of petroleum resources
The Ministry of Petroleum Resources is a organization control by government whose operational framework is made up of the Minister who is a political appointee, the Permanent Secretary who is the career officer and the Chief Accounting Officer of the Ministry.
The Permanent Secretary reports all the affairs of the Ministry to the Minister, while the Directors in the Ministry report to the Permanent Secretary.
Director of petroleum resources
Ministry has 12 Directorates, each headed by a Director they are
1 Department of Human Resources Management
2 Department of Planning, Research and Statistics
3 Department of Press and public relations
4 Department of Finance and Accounts
5 Legal Department
6 Department of Procurement
7 Department of Gas
8 Department of oil services
9 reforms Co-ord,
10 General services
11 internal audit
12 Department of Special Duties
Each of these Departments has various divisions and sections in a hierarchical and pyramid setting headed by deputy directors, and the assistant directors heading sub-sections and units.
Directors report directly to the Permanent Secretary, while the deputy directors report to the Directors and the assistant directors report to the deputy directors respectively. Ministry of Petroleum Resources operational frame work operates in a hierarchical level from the top management cadre down to the middle and junior executive cadre.
Departments of ministry of petroleum resources
1 Permanent of Secretary
2 Director of Human Resources Management
3 Director of Finance and Accounts
4 Director of Planning Research and Statistics
5 Director of Legal Services
6 Director of Gas
7 Director of Oil Services
8 Director of Special Duties (Overseeing Midstream)
9 Deputy Director of Reforms Co-Ord.
10 Deputy Director of General Services
11 Deputy Director of Internal Audit
12 Deputy Director of Press and Public Relations
13 Director of Procurement
14 Deputy Director of overseeing Downstream
15 Deputy Director of Federal Audit
Departments division and function of ministry of petroleum
1 Human Resources Management
Division of human resources management
There are 2 division under human resources management
1 Appointment, Promotion and Discipline (APD).
2 Staff Welfare and Training (SWT)
Is headed by a Director of Appointment, promotion, discipline, planning, development, supervision, evaluation and welfare activities
Finance and Accounts
There are 3 division of finance and account
2. Recurrent
3. Capital
Three deputy directors and their respective assistant directors
Responsible for the financial transaction of the Ministry.
Planning, Research and Statistics
Research and Statistic
Is Headed by a Director
Is Formulation and implementation of policies, conduct research studies, etc.
Legal services
Headed by a Director and assisted by six assistant legal officers (ALAs)
Handles all legal issues involving the Ministry of Petroleum Resources and its Agencies.
Gas Resources
1. Gathering and Infrastructure (G&I)
2. Strategy and Policy (S&P)
3. Pricing and Open Access (P&)
Is Headed by a Director, three deputy directors, three assistant Directors and a Chief officer Regulate the gas sector, in accordance with the National Gas Master Plan and other National Policies.
5 Oil Services
3. Downstream
Is Headed by a Director
Co-ordination, Monitoring of Policies, Programmes, and evaluation of projects in the oil industry.
7 General Services
1. General Services
2. Maintenance
Headed by a Director and two deputy Directors.
Responsible for general services such as Transport Administration, Utility Services, and other Special Assignments.
8 Press and Public Relations
by a Director.
Serves as the information gateway between the Ministry and its public.
9 Procurement
1. Capital
2. Recurrent
Headed by a Director and two assistant Directors
responsible for the procurement of goods, works and services to the Ministry
duties of ministers of petroleum
To Ensure an enabling environment to improve the Oil and Gas value chain,best practices, industry, driven by modern technology, stakeholders’ engagement and innovations in alternative energy
responsibilities of minister of petroleum
Is To deliver a thriving Oil and Gas (Energy) Industry for country (Nigeria)
Functions of minister of petroleum resources
Policy matters relating to research and development in Petroleum and Gas sectors of the Petroleum industry
Initiation and formulation of the board policies and programmes on the development of the Petroleum sector (Oil and Gas) in general;
All policies matters on the marketing of crude oil, natural gas, Petroleum products and their derivatives;
All concession policies in the oil and gas sub-sectors of the energy sector of the economy;
Development of hydro-carbon industries including natural gas, processing, refineries and Petrochemical industries through public private partnership
Licensing of all Petroleum and gas operations and activities
Formulation of policies to ensure increase of natural oil and gas reserve base and Nigeria’s increased technical productivity in accordance with appropriate planning and allocation of production quotas to producing companies in line with OPEC quota and maximization of revenue from oil and gas to the Nation
Formulation of policies to stimulate private industry investment and participation in the oil and gas sectors
Coordination and supervision of all bilateral and multilateral relations affecting the energy (Oil and Gas) Sector; Overall supervision and coordination of the activities of the following parastatals and its subsidiaries
Administration of government joint venture interests in the Petroleum sector in order to maximize fully economic benefits derivable from Nigeria’s oil and gas resources and ensuring optimization of government interest in all oil and gas arrangements
Agencies under petroleum resources
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR)
Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF)
Petroleum Equalization Fund (PEF)
Petroleum Training Institute (PTI)
Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA)
Parastatals of ministry of petroleum resources
1 Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation
2 Department of Petroleum Resources
3 Petroleum Training Institute
4 Nigeria Nuclear Regulatory Authority
5 Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency Archived 27 November 2021 at the Wayback Machine
6 Nigerian Content Development Monitoring Board
7 Petroleum Technology Development Fund
8 Petroleum Equalisation Fund