In this post I will like to explain the Full details of Nigeria ministry of energy
What are the things you need to know about Nigeria ministry of energy
At the end of this post you Will understand what are the rules, functions and duties of Nigeria ministry of energy
NIGERIA Ministry of energy
The ministry of Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) was established by Act No. 62 of 1979, as amended by Act No. 32 of 1988 and Act No. 19 of 1989 , with the statutory mandate for the strategic planning and co-ordination of national policies in the field of Energy in all its ramifications.
By the responsibilities of the Energy commission of Nigeria (ECN) is the apex government organ empowered to carry out overall energy sector planning and policy implementation, to promote the diversification of the energy resources through the development and optimal utilization of all, including the introduction of new and alternative Energy resources like Solar, Wind, Biomass and Nuclear Energy.
Duties of Nigeria ministry of energy ECN
ECN is To ensure adequate, reliable, cost-effective and sustainable energy supply for the nation’s economic and socio-political development for the people
functions of nigeria ministry of energy ECN
Inquire into and advise the Government of the Federation or of the State on the adequate funding of the energy sector including research and development, production and distribution;
Liaise with all international organisation in energy matters such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, International Renewable Energy agency, World Energy Council and other similar organisations;
Promote training and manpower development in Energy Sector
To promote sustainable energy development in Nigeria through the production of strategic plans and coordination of national policies in all its ramifications and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Commission shall
recommendations for the exploitation of new sources of energy as when considered necessary,
Serve as a centre for solving any inter-related technical problems that may arise in the implementation of any policy relating to the field of energy
Advise the government of the Federation or a State on questions relating to such aspect of Energy as the Government of the Federation or a State may from time to time refer to it
Prepare, after consultation with such agencies of government whose functions relates to the field of Energy development or supply as the Commission considered appropriate, periodic master plans for the balanced and co-ordinated development of energy in Nigeria and such plans shall include
such other recommendations to the Government of the Federation relating to its functions under this Decree as the Commission may consider to be in the national interest;
Lay down guidelines on the utilization of energy types for specific purposes and in a prescribed sequence
Collate, analyse and publish information relating to the field of energy from all sources, where such information in relevant to the discharge of its functions under this Decree;
Serve as a centre for gathering and dissemination of information relating to national policy in the field of Energy development
Monitor the performance of the Energy sector in the execution of government policies on energy Carry out such other activities as may be directed by Government.
Organizational and Structure of ECN
Board Members
The management of Nigeria’s energy resources presently, lies under the control of many organisations and institutions,the amongst which is the Energy Commission of Nigeria ECN established as the apex organ of government for energy policy formulation and coordination.
It was in recognition of the crucial role of energy, as earlier highlighted, that the government established a high powered Board for the Commission, consisting of the President, C-in-C, as the Chairman and with Ministers charged with the responsibility for the following matters (as contained in the Act) as members:-
1 Agriculture and Rural Development
2 Defence
3 Environment
4 Foreign Affairs
5 Finance and Economic Development
7 Power and Steel
8 Science and Technology
9 Water Resources
The Director-General of the Energy Commission of Nigeria is the Secretary to the Commission. The Commission has power to regulate its own proceedings.
Board has the responsibility for the general management of the Commission while the day-to-day running of the affairs of the Commission is the responsibility of the Director-General. Also, the Act provides a Technical Arm for the Commission known as the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
Principal Officers of ministry of energy
The Energy Commission of Nigeria has eighteen (18) Departments, each under a Director. Similarly, there are six (6) Energy Research Centres under the Commission with specific Technical/Research roles
These are the list of 18 department
1 Director General/Chief Executive Officer
2 Director, Energy Planning And Analysis
3 Director, Linkages, Research & Consultancy
4 Director, Legal and Energy Law
5 Director, Energy Training & Manpower Development
6 Director, Media & Public Affairs
7 Director, Finance & Accounts
8 Director, Budget, Monitoring and Evaluation
9 Director, Energy Information Systems
10 Director, General Services
11 Director, Internet Digitalization & Communication Technology
12 Director, Energy Management
13 Director, Internal Audit
14 Director, Reforms Coordination and Service Improvement
15 Director, Nuclear Energy
16 Director, Human Resource Management
17 Director National Centre for Energy and Environment (NCEE) University of Benin, Benin City.
18 Director, National Centre for Hydropower Research and Development (NCHRD) University of Ilorin, Ilorin
These are the list of 6 research commission
Ag. Director, National Centre for Energy Efficiency and Conservation, (NCEEC) University of Lagos, Lagos
Ag. Director, Sokoto Energy Research Centre (SERC) Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto
Ag. Director, National Centre for Petroleum Research and Development, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi
Ag. Director, National Centre for Energy Research and Development (NCERD) University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Ag. Director, Renewable Energy
Ag. Director, Special Duties
Technical Advisory Committee of ECN
This is the technical arm of the Commission provided by Law, it consists of professionals representing various Ministries, Government Agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations concerned with the regulation of production, supply, demand and utilisation of the various energy sources.
It has sixteen members as modified by the Commission with the Director-General of the Commission as its Chairman Other members are professionals representing the following Ministries, Government Agencies or Professional Organisations:
1 Agriculture and Rural Development
2 Defence
3 Energy Research Centres and any new Energy Centre(s) that may be established from time to time
4 Environment
5 Foreign Affairs
6 Finance and Economic Development
7 Industries
8 Nigerian Coal Corporation
9 Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) – To replace PHCN
10 Nigerian Natioanl Petroleum Corporation
11 Nigerian Society of Engineers
12 Petroleum Resources
13 Power and Steel
14 Science and Technology
15 Transport
16 Water Resources
In addition, the Commission may co-opt, when necessary, any suitable Nigerian whose contribution may be needed by the Committee.
Internal and External Relationships of ECN
Energy is an input to all productive sectors of the economy. Because of the energy implications of overall socio-economic development plans, multi-sectoral inputs are needed for integrated energy planning.
It is also the responsibility of the Commission to monitor the performances of the various institutions to ensure compliance with the overall energy policy and programme of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, FRN.
The production, conversion and delivery of the various forms of energy require activities which cut across the functions of various ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) including, Petroleum Resources, Solid Minerals Development, Power and Steel, Transport, Communications, Agriculture, Environment etc
To ensure a co-ordinated development of the energy sector in consonance with the overall national development goals, the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN), through its policies and plans, has specified the various contributions expected of the energy supply sub-sectors to the total energy mix as well as the application of the energy types to the different consumption sectors.
Also, in the pursuit of Regional and International Energy Cooperation and Development objectives, linkages have been established with various international organisations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the World Energy Council (WEC), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the International Energy Charter (IECh), the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP), and other relevant partners in the sector.
These are the list of other stakeholders in energy commission. They are
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
African Development Bank
African Energy Commission (AEC)
African Petroleum Producers Association (APPA)
Centre for Energy Research and Development (CERD), Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
Centre for Energy Research and Training (CERT), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
Energy Information and Administration
Energy publisher
Federal Ministry of Budget and National Planning
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
International Energy Charter (IECh)
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
National Centre for Energy and Environment, Benin
National Centre for Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Lagos
National Centre for Energy Research and Development (NCERD), University of Nigeria, Nsukka
National Centre for Hydropower Research and Development (NACHRED), Ilorin
National Centre for Petroleum Research and Development, Bauchi
Nigerian Atomic Energy Commission (NAEC)
Nigerian Electricity Management Services Agency
Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC)
Nigerian National Petroleum Company Ltd (NNPC)
Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA)
Nigerian Society of Engineers
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency
Sokoto Energy Research Centre (SERC), Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto
Solar Energy Society of Nigeria (SESN)
Union of Producers, Conveyors and Distributors of Electric Power in Africa (UPEDEA)
United Nation Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations
World Bank
World Energy Council (WEC), (NNC-WEC)
World Solar Programme (WSP)
Energy and Rural Development of Nigeria
The Energy Commission of Nigeria has continued with its rural development programmes characterized by the construction, installation and, in some cases, commissioning of pilot and demonstration projects that are aimed at both improving the standard of living of the rural populace through the utilization and popularisation of our abundant renewable energy resources, as well as providing the desired conducive environment which is absolutely necessary for rapid rural industrialization in particular and National industrial development in general through the provision of employment opportunities and the much-desired technical skills which could ultimately lead to the drastic reduction in the growing social problem of rural-urban migration.
With the growing interest in the development and application of renewable energy resources, the Commission has been undertaking research and development activities in various aspects of renewable energy utilization. So far, a number of the technologies have since been shown to be feasible and ready for adoption, especially in the rural areas of Nigeria.
Energy Statistics
Statistical analysis carried out by the Commission includes the following
1 Oil and Gas.
2 Coal.
3 Hydro.
4 Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution.
5 Biomass Energy.
6 Solar and Wind Energy Data.
Energy Policy and Planning
The major projects undertaken by the ECN include
1 Energy Policy Preparation and Implementation Activities
2 Energy Commission of Nigeria Act (ECN Act)
3 National Energy Policy (NEP)
4 Nation Energy Masterplan (NEMP)
5 Renewable Energy Masterplan (REMP)
6 National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Policy(NEECP)
7 Electricity Expansion Plan
8 Electricity demand by sector in TWh/Year
Energy commission of Nigeria Departments
Energy Commission of Nigeria has eighteen (18) Departments, each under a Director. These are:
1 Energy Policy, Planning and Analysis
2 Energy Information System
3 Renewable Energy
4 Nuclear Energy
5 Energy Training and Manpower Development
6 Energy Management
7 General Services
8 Human Resource Management
9 Finance and Accounts
10 Linkages, Research and Consultancy
11 Legal and Energy Law
12 Special Duties
13 Budget, Monitoring and Evaluation
14 Reforms Coordination and Service Improvement
15 Internet Digitalization & Communication Technology
16 Media and Public Affairs
17 Public Procurement
18 Internal Audit